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Security ID Pass

Dear parent / carer 


February Half Term Update


Security ID Passes


The College continues to strive on the excellent work it does around the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors. 


With that in mind, the wearing and displaying of the security ID pass is a fundamental expectation of anyone (learners, staff or visitors) who have access to our buildings. If your child attends College and has forgotten their security ID pass, they will have a temporary one printed for use on that day only. This will be completed at the point of entry by security. 


If your child has lost their security ID pass they can gain entry by obtaining a temporary pass and then within that same day visit the enrolment desk to have a new permanent security ID pass printed. In all cases of temporary and permanent replacement security ID pass distribution, the College will account for the numbers being issued to individuals. In some cases where replacement badge requests are seen as excessive (5) the College will take steps of intervention under the Positive Behaviour Policy. 


This will be administered through academic area management who will be monitoring badge distribution and will take initial steps after 3 occurrences of attending College without a security ID badge in any one term. Failure to adhere to this College obligation should result in polite requests to leave the premises.


Please can you remind your child to wear their security ID pass. 


Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safe.


Kind regards


J. Martin


Jenna Martin

Student Experience Manager